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What LNP's Donna Kirkland's Silence on Abortion Means for Queenslanders

In a recent press conference, Donna Kirkland, the LNP candidate for Rockhampton, repeatedly avoided answering questions about her views on abortion. Reporters pressed her on a 2019 social media post where she shared content from the Australian Christians Party, which described abortion as “the greatest human rights abuse of our time.” Instead of addressing the issue, Kirkland responded with the same two lines: “It’s not a part of our plan” and “We have ruled it out.”

Despite Kirkland’s avoidance, LNP leader David Crisafulli’s response only added to the uncertainty. While reiterating that no changes to abortion laws are in the LNP's plan, he refused to confirm whether MPs would be granted a conscience vote on the Katter’s Australian Party bill aimed at restricting abortion after the election.

Kirkland’s refusal to engage leaves voters wondering whether her personal anti-abortion views will translate into future legislative action if the LNP gains power?

Our Response: Silence Speaks Volumes

Kirkland’s robotic repetition of “it’s not a part of our plan” is more than just frustrating—it is a clear red flag for anyone who values reproductive rights in Queensland. The refusal to directly address her past anti-abortion statements suggests that her beliefs haven’t changed. Instead, the LNP appears to be concealing their true intentions on abortion until after the election, hoping to sideline this critical issue in favour of vague assurances.

But here’s the reality: Plans can change.

Crisafulli’s refusal to rule out a conscience vote (where MPs would be free to vote based on their personal beliefs, not a party position) on a potential repeal bill from Katter’s Australian Party means that our reproductive rights are at risk. Once again, the LNP’s strategy seems to involve saying one thing publicly while leaving the door open for anti-abortion legislation behind closed doors.

Trusting Politicians Who Won’t Be Honest?

If Kirkland’s 2019 post—where she described abortion as the greatest human rights abuse—isn't “a part of her plan,” then why won’t she answer simple questions about it? Her refusal to clarify her personal stance sows distrust among voters and shows us that the LNP will support making abortion a crime again if elected.

The pattern is clear. Kirkland isn’t alone in dodging questions about abortion— there are similar trends with other LNP candidates, including Freya Ostapovitch, who has hinted at a secret agenda to restrict abortion rights once in office.conscience vote makes it possible for these individual LNP MPs to pursue their anti-choice agendas, even if the party claims otherwise.

Why This Matters: A Threat to Our Rights

This is about more than just one candidate—it’s about the broader threat to reproductive freedom in Queensland. The LNP’s actions and ambiguous answers indicate that the risk of abortion restrictions is very real, even if they try to deflect with non-answers during press conferences.

Rights once gained can be lost.

Kirkland’s refusal to engage is not just dismissive—it’s dangerous. It shows a disregard for transparency and accountability, both essential for voters to make informed decisions. If candidates refuse to explain their views before the election, how can we trust them to act in the public's interest after the election?

Call to Action: Vote for Accountability

The path forward is clear: we must vote for candidates who are transparent about their positions on reproductive rights. Ambiguous language and dodged questions won’t protect our freedoms—accountability will.

With the possibility of a Katter Party repeal bill looming, every voter must ask: can we afford to trust candidates who won’t be honest? The answer is simple: we can’t.

Stay informed, talk to your community, and hold your candidates accountable. The right to choose isn’t negotiable—and it’s not something we can take for granted. Let's protect reproductive rights in Queensland by making our voices heard loud and clear on October 26.